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Time Management

As we start some of the more stressful times in CHTV we are faced with the daunting task of balancing several different assignments along with our class preparing and producing our afternoon newscast. While some would say they are pretty good at managing my time, I tend to lean towards the other spectrum, of stressing out over assignments due to me waiting to the last minute to do things, whether it is due to laziness or due to an inconvenience of time.

Balancing time is one of the more difficult things I am faced with. While I love what I do in CHTV there are still things I would love to do a the same time, like hobbies I really enjoy. I find that if I work on something right when it is assigned, like a blog post *cough cough I tend to get it done on time and I wont have to worry about it. But when it comes to long term assignments I tend to procrastinate a bit. While it wasn't for CHTV I was given the task of editing a video for the Carmel High School soccer team. I attempted to work in it early and I did to an extent, but I began to get lazy and forgot about it. Now I was faced with editing the whole video in about two days and I had limited time to edit on those days. I ended up getting it done and the video exported on time, but I had made a small error on it that I would have caught if I had did it earlier. Doing this also put me under a lot of stress. So when it comes to assignments I try to do them there and then to make sure my attention is not directed somewhere else.

The main obstacle that I had and have been facing is the problem stated earlier that I tend to put things off to the last minute. As for overcoming these obstacles, well I tend to formulate a plan in my head. I plan out the different times that I will work on each individual assignment and I try to work with that schedule as best as I can. For example I plan ahead that as a host I do not need to do much script editing, so I could work on it one of the sessions during SRT, and make any let minute tweaks that I didn't catch originally during fourth period when someone can look over them.

The process for starting and completing projects differs from project to project. I set up a calendar ahead of time for my IASB project, but due to several problems I had dealt with I ended up having to work last minute. For our general project we are doing for our packages I tend to do things more on time, which I think is due to a presence of a partner. While working in a group I think I get the mentality that my actions are going to affect someone else and I need to take responsibility for what it is that I am doing. I think that is the difference between our package project and my IASB video. For the IASB I worked solo but for my package and my newscast I have to work with others and if I don't do my job, I am going to hurt the rest of the team that worked so hard to do what it was that they had to do, which wouldn't be fair to them at all. Due to my procrastination I tend to work on several different projects at the same time, slowing down my production as well as it makes my time management a bit wonky at the same time. I do want to improve on this though.

As I have and will continue to work on the CHTV staff there are many lessons that have come my way. These two weeks for instance have really taught me that I need to work on my assignments ahead of time. If I fall behind I am going to get extremely stressed out as I struggle to get everything in. I think though is that I need to get my work done on time and not procrastinate on my CHTV work. The other classes dont count though, Ill do those assignments later.

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