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My Portfolio

Drake Grimm

About Drake Grimm

HI! Hello. Hey. What's up?
I'm not sure the professionalism you are expecting of this "About Me" section, so I thought I would give a few different ways to say, well, Hi.
My name is Drake and I am currently a 17 year old senior attending Carmel High School. I am going to preface this from the start, I am not very good at these things. I don't think you really get the chance to really get someone based on what they put into a few paragraphs. I will try my best though, so please, bare with me.
So as I stated before my name is Drake. Some of my hobbies include gaming, relaxing, and some seasonal running. I have lived in Buffalo NY for about 14 years of my life before I moved Carmel Indiana. I have two dogs and a cat who I love with all my heart. That's one huge thing about me, I LOVE animals. I've considered becoming a vet because of how much I love animals. 
Some random facts about me that I didn't think they needed much explanation up next, so get ready. 
Favorite Actor:Robin Williams
Favorite Celebrity: Gordon Ramsay
Favorite Color: Grey/Blue
Star Sign: Pisces
Favorite TV Show: How I Met Your Mother
Favorite Dog Breed: Golden Retriever
Favorite Season: Fall/Winter
Favorite Video Game: Skyrim
Favorite Franchise: Pokemon
Favorite Pokemon: Absol
Languages Studied (Excluding English): 3
Favorite Language: ASL
There, now you have a list of random things about me that you can now use to determine whether or not you like me, since I said How I Met Your Mother was my favorite show vs something like Game of Thrones or Friends. I probably made this a lot less formal then most but I feel the less formal this whole things is, the more you really get to know who "I" am, not my work. If you are interested in more professional info about my skills and some examples of what I have done, feel free to explore the rest of the site and and observe. Thanks for taking the time to read this whole thing and if you stayed this long Ill share something fun with you.  The first American film to show a toilet being flushed on screen was Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho. That's all! See ya.

Professional History

My Roles & Responsibilities

CHTV, Videographer

August 2016-Present

  • Creates videos for the Carmel High School Television Program

  • Creates and edits packages to be aired on the morning announcements

  • Go to and over sports games to be aired on the CHTV station and Social Media

  • Creates scripts to be used in recordings and packages

Varsity Girls Soccer Teams Videographer

September 2016-October 2017

Recorded for the Carmel High School Varsity Girls soccer Team. I have traveled to all of the games available and have also recorded some of the Junior Varsity games on request

Tricks of the Trade


Final Cut


Adobe Premiere Pro



What I’ve Learned


Carmel High School


Contact Me

  • Instagram
  • YouTube

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