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First Afternoon Newscast Reflection

With the first episode of the G4 afternoon newscast completed, there are some feelings I have about the experience. It was thrilling going on live on the Carmel High Schools television station. I was Technical Director so my job in the newscast was to work the switcher board, where I changed the camera that was live and set the background. Prior to this newscast I had never touched a switcher before, so I had to learn on the spot how to use a new piece of equipment. Probably the most challenging part of using the switcher was learning what to press and at what time. Once you get a second to calm down and really focus on what your doing it isn't that hard to use. The main thing that was hard was the fear of messing up and ruining the newscast that everyone worked so hard to get perfect.

With learning something new, you begin to want to keep doing it so you can do it perfectly. That is something I want to work towards. I want to get smooth, clean transitions between shots and I want to learn the other half of the switcher that I didn't get to figure out. I want to get to a point where I can sit down and know exactly what it is that I am doing, and if need be teach someone else how to use it. Although I do want to master the switcher there are some other positions I would like to give a try to really make up my mind on what I want my position to be. I want to try out the audio engineer at some point, and maybe even the director at some point.

Overall I would have to say that my first afternoon newscast went well and I am excited to continue in the future with some new rolls.

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